

Each command must start with /moviesets. Note that you can also just use /msets or even /sets if that seems too verbose to you.

Command Description Required permission
/moviesets OR /moviesets help Shows a help page which lists all available commands.
/moviesets info Shows an info page which displays some generic information about MovieSets.
/moviesets list Works on the MovieSets world you are currently in. Lists all named sets alongside their numbers for quick teleportation. moviesets.command.list
/moviesets goto <Set no. *OR* Set name stub> Works on the MovieSets world you are currently in. Teleports you to the center of the set with the given number or name stub. A name stub is the unique beginning of a movie set's name. moviesets.command.goto
/moviesets name <Set no.> <Set name> Works on the MovieSets world you are currently in. Declares the name of the set with the given number. Only named sets show up on the set list.
/moviesets unname <Set no. *OR* Set name stub> Works on the MovieSets world you are currently in. Removes the name of the set with the given number or name stub. The affected set will no longer show up in the set list. moviesets.command.unname
/moviesets clear Works on the MovieSets world you are currently in. Removes the names of all named sets, leaving an empty set list. moviesets.command.clear