
Exception System

This page should show you the integrated exception-system in QuarterBukkit. It's for catching exceptions like when a command sender hasn't enough permissions to execute a command. The system sends an event to the handler which can print an error message, for example.


The exceptions are handled by exception listeners. Here's an example:

public class TestExceptionHandler implements Listener {

    public TestExceptionHandler(Plugin plugin) {

        Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, pathbreaking.getPlugin());

    public void internalException(InternalException exception) {



This is only a very simple example how to use the listener system. You should catch every exception (if you use the component) and handle it.

Default Exceptions

Every exception extend the class GameException. There are many possible exceptions, and we'll add more in every new component. Those are all game exeptions QuarterBukkit currently provides by default (the --- means that an exception extends the class above it):

Exception Description
InternalException Something which is very internal (like reflection operations) goes wrong.
NoPermissionException A CommandSender hasn't enough permissions to do something.
--- NoCommandPermissionException A CommandSender hasn't enough permissions to execute a command.
NoCommandFoundException A command wasn't found after a CommandSender typed it in.
--- NoDefaultCommandFoundException The default command wasn't found after a CommandSender tried to use it.
InstallException Something goes wrong while using the Updater (contains getCause()).

Of course, you can add your own exceptions if you want to.