

This page will show you how to download and setup GuiLib. If you are an end user who just wants to use a mod which depends on GuiLib, see the section #For end users. If instead you are a developer who wants to create a mod which uses GuiLib, see the section #For developers.

For end users

If you've been sent here by a manual on how to install some other mod, this section is your one.

In order to install the GuiLib library (probably as a dependency for another mod), first downloading the actual GuiLib mod from the official download page. Make sure that you download the main JAR and not the dev one! Then, just drop the downloaded JAR into your mods/ folder, restart Minecraft, and you're ready to go!

For developers

If you want to use GuiLib as a dependency in your mod, this section is for you. Effectively, you just have to add the GuiLib dev JAR to your classpath during compile time. Below are some explanations for different build systems.


If you build with Gradle — and you probably do that, at least if you know what build.gradle means — you just have to add a dependency to that very build.gradle file. First, add the Maven repository which houses the GuiLib JARs:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = 'quartercode'
        url = ''

If you don't already have such a top-level repositories block in your build file, simply add it anywhere you think it fits. Note, however, that you should not confuse this block with the repositories block inside the buildscript section!

As a second step, add the actual GuiLib dependency to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile 'de.unratedfilms:guilib:VERSION:dev'

Once again, if you don't already have such a top-level dependencies block, simply add it anywhere you think it fits. And again, make sure to not confuse this block with the dependencies block inside the buildscript section!

Now, just refresh your Gradle project, and you're ready to go!


If you decided to use Maven instead of Gradle for a Minecraft mod, your knowledge of Maven probably is a bit more advanced. Therefore, this description will be short and to the point.

First, add the Maven repository which houses the GuiLib JARs to the pom.xml of your Maven project:

        <name>QuarterCode Repository</name>

As a second step, add the actual GuiLib dependency to your pom.xml file:


Now, just refresh your Maven project, and you're ready to go!


If you don't use any build system at all — and you should use one, but that's another story —, just download the GuiLib dev JAR file from the official download page and manually add it to your classpath.